Use Of Career Strategies, Satisfactions And Psychological Well-Being Among Women Managers And Professionals In Turkey
The concept of career self-management gained currency in the early 1980s. It proposed that individuals could use career strategies to influence their career progress. Empirical support for this proposition has been low or mixed. The present study examines the relationship of use of career strategies and work and well-being outcomes in a sample of 143 women managers and professionals working in Istanbul Turkey. The vast majority worked in the public sector. Respondents indicated only limited use of these career strategies. Hierarchical regression analyses, controlling for both personal demographics and work situation characteristics were undertaken to determine the relationship of use of various career strategies and these outcomes. Use of career strategies had no relationship with any of our outcome measures. It may be that use of career strategies is more likely to be associated with work and well-being outcomes among women who are career oriented and work in organizational cultures more supportive of women and their career prospects. Keywords:Career, Career Strategies, Well-being, Satisfaction
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