Yıl: 2013/ Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4 Sıra: 2 / No: 532 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2013.0235.x

Collective Responses of Call Center Workers in the Case of a Non-Union Worker Organization in Turkey
Araş.Gör.Şafak TARTANOÄžLU
Uludağ Üniversity

The aim of this paper is to explore the informal collective responses of call centre workers to the working conditions in Turkey , analysing the organizational experience of the Association of Call Centre Workers (ACCW) and to discover the effectiveness and sustainability of it as a new actor in representing the interests of call centre workers. Using focus groups, the emphasis was primarily on the motives of the founders and the members of the Association. This study aims to develop the initial findings. The conditions that generate the forms of dissent and misbehaviour underpinning the informal organization are analysed, alongside the consequences for the sustainability of new forms of organization such as ACCW within the Turkish employment relations context. The emphasis is mostly on their ability to represent the unrepresented ones.

Anahtar Kelimeler: call centers, call center workers, representation of interests, non-union worker organizations

The aim of this paper is to explore the informal collective responses of call centre workers to the working conditions in Turkey , analysing the organizational experience of the Association of Call Centre Workers (ACCW) and to discover the effectiveness and sustainability of it as a new actor in representing the interests of call centre workers. Using focus groups, the emphasis was primarily on the motives of the founders and the members of the Association. This study aims to develop the initial findings. The conditions that generate the forms of dissent and misbehaviour underpinning the informal organization are analysed, alongside the consequences for the sustainability of new forms of organization such as ACCW within the Turkish employment relations context. The emphasis is mostly on their ability to represent the unrepresented ones.

Keywords: call centers, call center workers, representation of interests, non-union worker organizations

64582 kez görüldü, 4469 kez indirildi.

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