Yıl: 2011/ Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2 Sıra: 7 / No: 452 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2011.0176.x

The New Dimensions To Job Requirements In Turkey: The Case Of Human Resources Magazines
Assist.Prof. Dr. Emel ÇETİNKAYA, Assist.Prof.Dr. Yasemin ÖZDEMİR, Dr. Cemal İYEM, Sumeyra Alpaslan DANIŞMAN

This study aims to investigate the change and development of the functions of human resources (HR) requirements between 1995 and 2008 with respect to human resources magazines in Turkey. Therefore, analyses were done on the assessments regarding job postings in human resources magazines and the change in human resources management (HRM) in the business world. The sampling of the research was done randomly and the job postings were examined by using content analysis. As a main dimension of the research, job requirements were classified as individual, intellectual, emotional, and social. According to the findings, job requirements did not undergo revolutionary changes between 1995 and 2008. For example, the demand for intellectual, emotional, and social requirements did not increase. In fact, the demand for some requirements even decreased over the years. It can be said that HR newspapers have became an important platform and actor for all HR functions during the passing years. These results may lead to additional research and new developments.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Human Resource Management, Job Requirements, HR Magazines, Turkey.

This study aims to investigate the change and development of the functions of human resources (HR) requirements between 1995 and 2008 with respect to human resources magazines in Turkey. Therefore, analyses were done on the assessments regarding job postings in human resources magazines and the change in human resources management (HRM) in the business world. The sampling of the research was done randomly and the job postings were examined by using content analysis. As a main dimension of the research, job requirements were classified as individual, intellectual, emotional, and social. According to the findings, job requirements did not undergo revolutionary changes between 1995 and 2008. For example, the demand for intellectual, emotional, and social requirements did not increase. In fact, the demand for some requirements even decreased over the years. It can be said that HR newspapers have became an important platform and actor for all HR functions during the passing years. These results may lead to additional research and new developments.

Keywords: Human Resource Management, Job Requirements, HR Magazines, Turkey.

64696 kez görüldü, 3402 kez indirildi.

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