Yıl: 2009/ Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1 Sıra: 1 / No: 347 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2009.0089.x

Work-Family Conflict Among Turkish Managers: Potential Antecedents And Consequences
Mustafa Koyuncu,Ronald J. Burke, Lisa Fiksenbaum
Nevşehir University, York University

Abstract:Although the work-family interface has received considerable research attention over the past two decades, m inconsistent findings have been reported. One reason for this is the use of different work-family measures. Carlson , Kacmar and Williams (2000) developed and provided an initial validation of a new comprehensive measure of bi-directional work-family conflict having three forms: time-, strain- and behavior-based conflict. This study replicated and extended their work by employing a large sample of managers and professionals working in the manufacturing sector in Turkey and including additional antecedents and consequences. Data were collected from 877 respondents using anonymously completed questionnaires, a 58% response rate. The three measures of work-family conflict were highly reliable and inter-correlated to the same extent as reported by Carlson and her colleagues. The mean values in the Turkish sample on each were higher than those obtained I the US study, and the gender differences reported by Carlson and her colleagues were not present in the Turkish sample. Both job demands and work-oriented personality factors (NAch, feeling driven to work) were related to levels of work-family conflict. Strain-based conflict emerged as a stronger and more consistent predictor of both work outcomes and levels of psychological well-being than did time- and behavior-based conflict.

Keywords: Work Experiences, Well-Being, Work satisfaction and engagement, Physicians, Turkey

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