Yıl: 2007/ Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3 Sıra: 2 / No: 289 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2007.0048.x

Multiculturalism In Australia
Post Doctoral Fellow Alper BABACAN Prof.Dr. Hürriyet BABACAN
RMIT University - Melbourne - Australia


This article provides an overview of the policy of multiculturalism in Australia. In its early phase, Multiculturalism was a tool for Australia’s post-war construction needs as it allowed for governments to manage ethnic diversity. During the 1980s and 1990s, multicultural policies incorporated elements of the economic rationalist agenda and failed to tackle deep seated racism in Australia. Throughout the late 1990s and into the post 2000 period, neo- liberal agendas have dominated the Commonwealth government’s policies with Multiculturalism being weakened. Driven by the politics of exclusion, the Howard government’s policies have revived the ’new racism’ in Australia. His article will first discuss the policy of Multiculturalism in its various phases. Following this, commentary is provided on Multicultural policies. It is concluded that a more inclusive multiculturalism needs to be adopted.

Multiculturalism, Australia, Racism

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