Yıl: 2007/ Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2 Sıra: 4 / No: 286 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2007.0044.x

Theoretical Substantiation Of Empowering Environment As A Condition For Successful Competence Development
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Diana LIPINSKIENE
Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania


The analysis of the empowering environment as a condition for successful employee’s competence development is highlighted in the article. The article consists of three main parts. In the first part the concept of competence is described and the model of competence development consisting of five stages is presented. Special emphasis on non-formal and informal competence development is done. In the second part of the article the notion of empowering environment is analyzed. Following characteristics of empowering environment are distinguished in this part: autonomy, responsibility, acceptance of failure, involvement and participation, access to resources, empowering leader, and appropriate rewarding system. The third part is aimed to relate two theoretical concepts – competence development and empowering environment and on the basis of the latter to substantiate the importance of empowering environment for successful competence development.
Key words: competence development, empowerment, empowering environment

JEL Classificiation:D23 (organizational behavior), J24 (human capital, skills), M12 (personnel management), M53 (training), M54 (worker empowerment, job design)

63623 kez görüldü, 1831 kez indirildi.

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