Yıl: 2007/ Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1 Sıra: 4 / No: 270 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2007.0036.x

The Impact Of A Unitary Regulatory And Hrm Framework: Managerial And Worker Views From The New Zealand Workplace
Prof.Dr. Alan GEARE Ian McANDREW - Fiona EDGAR
University of Otago


This study reports views of managers and workers about employment relationships and Human Resource Management (HRM) practice. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative data collected in 2005, this paper specifically seeks to examine how a unitary legislative framework, along with the influence of HRM with its unitary underpinnings, has impacted on manager and worker views of employment relations in the New Zealand context. Data analysis revealed current views on employment relations closely paralleled the literature on best practice HRM, and insights provided by this group of managers and workers highlight what are considered to be the important employment relations issues being faced today.

Key Words:Human Resource Management, Best Practice, Ideology, Unions, Managers, Workers

64034 kez görüldü, 3480 kez indirildi.

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