Yıl: 2016/ Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4 Sıra: 5 / No: 640 /     DOI: 10.4026/2148-9874.2016.0333.X

The Past, Present and The Future of The Contingency Theory
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Yücel SAYILAR
Uludag University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Bursa

Abstract: Structural contingency theory was the first explanatory framework in organization theory. Structural contingency theory emerged with the consolidation of organizational research studies developed by open system theory since the 1950s. It defined its basic research concepts as organization, structure and environment and studied the relationships among them. Although organizational theory has been criticized since the 1970s and lost its dominance with the development of other paradigms, the theory has still been effective since then. In recent years, debates on the development of organizational research studies, their ability to optimize organizational integrity and their explanatory power have caused structural contingency theory to regain importance with significant revisions. This study describes the historical background, theoretical developments and explanatory power of structural contingency theory.

Keywords: Structural contingency theory, Organizational theory, Open system theory

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