Yıl: 2010/ Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3 Sıra: 0 / No: 416 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2010.0149.x

Workload, Work Satisfactions and Psychological Well-being Among Nurses in Turkish Hospitals
Ronald J. BURKE, Mustafa KOYUNCU, Ufuk DURNA, Recep ÇİÇEK and Lisa FIKSENBAUM
York University, Nevsehir University, Akdeniz University, Nigde University, York University

      This exploratory study examined the relationship between self-reports of workload and indicators of work satisfaction and engagement, perceptions of hospital functioning and quality of nursing care, and psychological well-being of nursing staff. Data were collected from 224 staff nurses using anonymously completed questionnaires, a 37% response rate. . Four indicators of workload were considered: length of work shift, frequency of working longer than 12 hours, frequency of working two shifts back-to-back and nurse-to-patient ratio. Hierarchical regression analyses, controlling for both personal demographic and work situation characteristics, indicated that workload accounted for significant increments in explained variance on most outcome measures.  Frequency of working more than 12 hours was particularly important in this regard.  Explanations for the association of workload with various outcomes are offered along with potentially practical implications.

Keywords: Workload, work satisfactions, psychological well-being, nurses

64416 kez görüldü, 2785 kez indirildi.

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