Yıl: 2009/ Cilt: 11 Sayı: 6 Sıra: 4 / No: 405 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2009.0131.x

The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Trade Unions In The Labour Market Of Turkey
Assoc Prof.Dr. M.Kemal ÖKE
Abant Izzet Baysal University

Since some decades many things have been changed such as culture, attitude, behaviour, structures in the economy and society naturally these process leads to industrial relations, but nothing has been changed in the field of structure and policy and stragedy of trade unions. As we remember one of challenging vawe has been realised during the Keynesian Age which called Post Fordism. This wave affected labour deeply, because new wave swepeed out blue colour workers at the manifacture sector. This was first and great shock for trade unions. Because not only in Turkey but also in European Countries blue colour workers were locomotive of trade union mouvement middle of the 20th. Century. During the 1980’s the other big shock realised for trade unions with neo-liberal policies. During this age not only blue colour workers but also public sector workers decreased drastically. At the end when we having 21st. Century unions are facing deep economic crise such as 1929. Even though this kind of transformation, technological changes, changed labour demand pattern, changed culture related to solidarity and huge threats still unions keeping old wine in the old bottle. There is no new policies, new strategies and tactics. Nobody knows is this sustainable. But it looks this is end of the tunnel for traditional trade union perceptions.

Union effectiveness, efficiency, social dialogue, Union’s role in the labour market

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