Yıl: 2009/ Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2 Sıra: 4 / No: 365 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2009.0101.x

The Relationships Of Job And Life Satisfaction With Intention To Leave Among Unionized Hotel Employees In Turkey
Yrd.Doç.Dr.Sayım YORGUN, Yrd.Doç.Dr.Gözde YILMAZ, Doç.Dr.Aşkın KESER

Turnover becomes a major concern for Turkey’s tourism sector in which the experienced labour shortages is common. Studying intention to leave and predictors of it will be enlighting for the growing sector. Moving from this point, this study first tries to reveal the job and life satisfaction level of unionized hotel employees, and then test these variables’ effect on intention to leave among a selection of unionized hotels in Turkey in an attempt to shed light to an underresearched topic in unionized hotel settings. Respondents (n=1298) are the members of TOLEYIS union dispersed to different touristic regions in Turkey. Employees have moderate level of job satisfaction. Results show that demographic variables and the employing hotel have effects on each satisfaction. The effect of job satisfaction and number of hotel’s stars on intention to leave is significant. Implications of the findings and future research directions are discussed.  

Anahtar Kelimeler: Unionized Hotel Employees, Turkey, Job Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, TOLEYIS,

Turnover becomes a major concern for Turkey’s tourism sector in which the experienced labour shortages is common. Studying intention to leave and predictors of it will be enlighting for the growing sector. Moving from this point, this study first tries to reveal the job and life satisfaction level of unionized hotel employees, and then test these variables’ effect on intention to leave among a selection of unionized hotels in Turkey in an attempt to shed light to an underresearched topic in unionized hotel settings. Respondents (n=1298) are the members of TOLEYIS union dispersed to different touristic regions in Turkey. Employees have moderate level of job satisfaction. Results show that demographic variables and the employing hotel have effects on each satisfaction. The effect of job satisfaction and number of hotel’s stars on intention to leave is significant. Implications of the findings and future research directions are discussed.  

Keywords: Unionized Hotel Employees, Turkey, Job Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, TOLEYIS,

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