Yıl: 2009/ Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2 Sıra: 1 / No: 359 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2009.0098.x

Material affluence, time affluence and well-being among managers in Egypt
Ronald J. BURKE, Ghada El-KOT
York University-Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport

Purpose – Kasser and Sheldon (2009) reported that Time affluence (TA) may be a more important predictor of subjective well-being than Material Affluence (MA) in samples of US college students and working adults. This research replicated their work  among managers and professionals working in a variety of organizations and industries in Egypt.  a large Muslim country having Islamic values. 
Design/methodology/approach - Data were collected from 242 respondents, 146 males and 96 females, using anonymously completed questionnaires, a 48% response rate. Measures included personal demographic and work situation characteristics, stable individual difference personality factors, job demands , work outcomes, after-work recovery experiences, and  indicators  psychological well-being.
Findings-  MA and TA were significantly correlated (r=.22, p<.001), and managers indicated higher levels of MA than TA. Managers working more hours per week, and managers earning higher incomes, reported less
Ta; work hours and income had no relationship with MA. Managers scoring higher on personality factors likely to be associated with greater work investment indicated lower levels of TA Managers working in more intense jobs also indicated lower levels of TA. Managers indicating less TA reported higher levels of job stress; managers indicating higher levels of MA indicated more job stress and higher intentions to quit. Finally, managers indicating higher TA also reported less work-family conflict and fewer psychosomatic symptoms.
Research limitations/implications –Since data was collected at only one point in time questions of causality could not be addressed. Study highlights the need for more comparative and cross-cultural studies of human resource management.. .
Practical implications – Findings highlight the role of work hours and TA as factors in psychological well-being of Egyptian managers.  
Originality/value –This is the first study of MA and TA in Egypt. The findings were consistent with previous results and extended our understanding of correlates of MA and TA.
Paper type –Research paper

64245 kez görüldü, 2989 kez indirildi.

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