Yıl: 2008/ Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3 Sıra: 3 / No: 336 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2008.0078.x

Doç.Dr. Mustafa Koyuncu Prof.Dr. Ronald J. BURKE - Lisa FIKSENBAUM
Nevşehir Üniversitesi-York University


This study examined the relationship between virtues and indicators of work satisfaction and engagement, extra-work satisfactions and psychological well-being among physicians. Data were collected from 431 physicians in Turkey using anonymously completed questionnaires. A virtue is any psychological process that enables a person to benefit him or herself and others. Three virtues were considered: gratitude, optimism, and proactive behaviors. This emphasis was consistent with emerging trends in both psychology and organizational studies, termed positive psychology or positive organizational scholarship respectively, to focus on strengths and excellence rather an weakness and pathology. Hierarchical regression analyses, controlling for both personal demographic and work situation characteristics, indicated that virtues accounted for significant increments in explained variance on most outcome measures. Optimism emerged as a particularly consistent predictor of most outcomes. Explanations for the association of virtues with favorable outcomes are offered along with potentially practical implications.

Keywords: Work Experiences, Well-Being, W ork satisfaction and engagement, Physicians, Turkey

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