Yıl: 2010/ Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4 Sıra: 6 / No: 423 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2010.0160.x

Broadening Our Research and Action Agenda: Cherishing and Revering Women
Ronald J. BURKE
York University

Abstract: I have been researching and writing about the experiences of women in management with several colleagues (e.g., Marilyn Davidson, Susan Vinnicombe,  Mary Mattis, Debra Nelson, among others) and advocating on women’s behalf with organizational clients for over 20 years.
      Marilyn Davidson and I edited a volume (Davidson & Burke, 2004) containing chapters reporting on the status of women in management and the professions in 20 countries, chapters being written in 2003. Chapters included information on each country’s labor force characteristics, women pursuing education, women in management and women on boards of directors, country legislation supporting women’s advancement, organizational initiatives supporting women’s career advancement, and projections for the future. These contributions represented countries most likely to be active in supporting managerial and professional women and collecting data on the status of  women in the workforce. Many countries still do not have such information. We found (Davidson & Burke, 2004, Chapter 1) considerable variation among  countries represented in such things as the percentage of the labor force that is female, percentage of managers and professionals that are women, legislation supporting women’s advancement, and organizational efforts to develop and advance women.

Keywords: Women , Management, Labor Force

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